Tuesday, June 12, 2012


It is the first official week of my summer break and what better way to celebrate my release from my concrete cave (cell #124E) than starting a new adventure?

I thought to myself long and hard about what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to go. Lots of ideas went through my head before I realized something- I have a hard time keeping up with blogs. I've tried blogging about weight loss (ha!) and just life, but I either got bored or totally forgot about it. Laziness and forgetfulness. God, I'm a bum. That being said... I had an epiphany.

I love Pinterest. In fact, I'm addicted. But I don't really care about the home improvement ideas or the gardening tips, though some are pretty awesome. What I zoned in on were the recipes. Since I can remember I have loved to compile recipes. I don't know why, I just always have. I actually have a binder full of recipes that will "one day" grace my table and stomach. Thing is, most of them are from magazines that require you to cook with ingredients and tools that are either way outside of a teacher's modest budget or are just way out of my skill set. That is what makes Pinterest a beautiful thing. People post things for everyone. It is simple, just as it should be,

So, I'm going to try this blogging thing yet again with renewed purpose. I am going to cook my way through my summer break. I am going to learn how to cook and cook well. I am going to try all kinds of fun and exciting things. I am going to cook with love for those I love because, as we all know, sharing is caring.

This blog will chronicle my adventures and misadventures. My successes and my failures. I will post the recipe along side any modifications I made or would make. I will include pictures when I can and will be honest in the turn out. Because, honestly, food is good and I love food.. and I know you do too.

That being said... grab a chair, pull up to the table, and grab a fork. Let's get this show on the road.

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