Sunday, September 2, 2012

Red Velvet and Marshmallow Cupcakes

 Sweet, sticky goodness.

What you will need:
  • One box of red velvet cupcake mix and whatever you need to make it (if you want to make the cupcakes from scratch, more power to you.)
  • Large marshmallows
What you need to do:
  1. Bake the cupcakes according to the directions on the box.
  2. When the cupcakes have 5 minutes left place a marshmallow on top of each cupcake. The marshmallow should be standing up. 
  3. When the 5 minutes are up, put oven on broil. DO NOT WALK AWAY. You want the marshmallow to be slightly toasted, but not burned. 
  4. When the marshmallows have toasted, remove and place on cooling rack. 
  5. Take a silicone spoon (it won't stick) and squish the marshmallow down gently so that it spreads over the entire cupcake top.
  6. Grub. 

Honestly, it took me a hot minute to get this sticky marshmallow thing down. Once I figured out my best method (it may be different for you, which is fine), it was cake and pie. Well, cake and ... marshmallow. 

It was yummy. And it can be totally versatile. The options are endless. I am excited to try this with chocolate cupcake and a little graham cracker. Hello, smore cupcakes! Soon...

Everyone loved these. The cake was super moist and the marshmallow was toasted just perfectly.All in all, a success.



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