Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Tomato Fairy

It's only 1030 on this fine Sunday morning and strange things are already happening...

At 930 my front doorbell went off. I had just rolled out of bed so I threw on my robe and glasses and headed for the door. No one was there even though it only took me a few second to get there. Thinking nothing of it at the time, I went back to my bedroom, put in my contacts, and put my hair up in a messy bun. While doing so I had a thought.. What if it was UPS? Remember, there was no coffee in my system at this point so I wasn't thinking very clearly. I went back to the door and opened it. There is was... a bucket of tomatoes.

I love tomatoes. They are sweet, juicy, versatile, and just all around yummy. But a bucket of mystery tomatoes? The thing is, we aren't social with any of our neighbors. We are polite, but I couldn't tell you anything about them. So why would they donate these glorious fruits to us? I know it wasn't my dad because he would have come around back. Anyone who comes to the house on the regular knows to come through the back... so this was a neighbor. But which one?

I told the boy about it and he said not to eat them unless I find out where they came from. He acted like I was going to launch a full scale investigation. Imagine- *knock knock* "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you.  My name is Elizabeth and I was just wondering, did you abandon a bucket of yummy looking tomato fruits on my front doorstep at 930am on the 28th of July?" The neighbors would be thrilled...

So, to you, Tomato Fairy- Congratulations on your successful harvest and thank you for the kind and generous gesture. The tomatoes look lovely and I can imagine many uses for them. Unfortunately, one mustn't make a habit of eating foods that are just left on their doorstep. So until I know your true identity your glorious bounty will have to go uneaten. If I knew who you were I would devour them... but my mama always told me not to take food from strangers and this, dear fairy, is very strange.


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