Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cracker Pizza

Cracker Pizza

 Mine- Provolone and Fresh Basil

The Boy's- Mozzarella and Pepperoni

Before baking

I would like to rename this "cracker pizza" to, simply, Crack Pizza... because I'm pretty sure I might be addicted.

What you'll need:
  • Cheese of your choice (For me, provolone. For him, mozzarella)
  • Toppings of your choice (For me, fresh basil. For him, pepperoni)
  • Tortilla wraps (the larger ones)
  • Sauce of your choice (We used Classico Tomato Basil)
What to do:
  1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Place either your pizza stone thing or cookie sheet(s) into the oven to preheat as well.
  2. Make your pizza on a clean, flat surface. Make sure to spread sauce close to the edge. 
  3. When you are done making the pizza(s), take the sheets/stone out of the oven carefully.... 
..you know, or you'll get burned like I did. Oops. Take the sheets/stone out and place somewhere safe. carefully pick the pizza up and place on sheet/stone. NOTE: the more you add to the pizza, the heavier it will be making moving it to the sheet/stone.
4. Bake for ~10 minutes (at 425 degrees). Keep an eye on the pizzas, though. Once the cheese starts to get golden/brown, you're good to take them out.
5. Place cookie sheets on cooling rack and let sit. This will help the tortilla crisp on the bottom and you'll get all kinds of crispy cheese around the edge.
6. Cut, serve, devour. 

The boy LOVED this. It was the perfect individual sized pizza. I enjoyed mine, too. I just wish I had added a little something for crunch on mine. Either way, the possibilities with this are endless. Do whatever toppings float your boat, try a dessert version (brush tortillas lightly with melted butter, sprinkle on cinnamon sugar, bake for until it gets crispy, add toppings, devour), etc.  This would be great on nights you don't really feel like cooking, it would be a blast to make with kids, and you have complete and total freedom with this.

We will be making this again... and again... and again. Cheap, super easy, so very yummy, quick. Success! Well worth the burn, haha!


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