Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cracker Pizza

Cracker Pizza

 Mine- Provolone and Fresh Basil

The Boy's- Mozzarella and Pepperoni

Before baking

I would like to rename this "cracker pizza" to, simply, Crack Pizza... because I'm pretty sure I might be addicted.

What you'll need:
  • Cheese of your choice (For me, provolone. For him, mozzarella)
  • Toppings of your choice (For me, fresh basil. For him, pepperoni)
  • Tortilla wraps (the larger ones)
  • Sauce of your choice (We used Classico Tomato Basil)
What to do:
  1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Place either your pizza stone thing or cookie sheet(s) into the oven to preheat as well.
  2. Make your pizza on a clean, flat surface. Make sure to spread sauce close to the edge. 
  3. When you are done making the pizza(s), take the sheets/stone out of the oven carefully.... 
..you know, or you'll get burned like I did. Oops. Take the sheets/stone out and place somewhere safe. carefully pick the pizza up and place on sheet/stone. NOTE: the more you add to the pizza, the heavier it will be making moving it to the sheet/stone.
4. Bake for ~10 minutes (at 425 degrees). Keep an eye on the pizzas, though. Once the cheese starts to get golden/brown, you're good to take them out.
5. Place cookie sheets on cooling rack and let sit. This will help the tortilla crisp on the bottom and you'll get all kinds of crispy cheese around the edge.
6. Cut, serve, devour. 

The boy LOVED this. It was the perfect individual sized pizza. I enjoyed mine, too. I just wish I had added a little something for crunch on mine. Either way, the possibilities with this are endless. Do whatever toppings float your boat, try a dessert version (brush tortillas lightly with melted butter, sprinkle on cinnamon sugar, bake for until it gets crispy, add toppings, devour), etc.  This would be great on nights you don't really feel like cooking, it would be a blast to make with kids, and you have complete and total freedom with this.

We will be making this again... and again... and again. Cheap, super easy, so very yummy, quick. Success! Well worth the burn, haha!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms

Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms


What you'll need:
  • 1lb. green beans
  • 8 oz. mushrooms
  • 1.5 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • Minces garlic, to taste
  • fresh parmesan cheese
  • gallon sized ziplock bag 
** I did not follow this to a T when I made it. I just used whatever green beans (certainly not a pound) and the mushrooms (probably 5 oz.) that I had. I still used the recipe's amount of oil and vinegar, though... and it was still very tasty**
What to do:
  1. Wash green beans and mushrooms, dry.
  2. Cut green beans into pieces so they are all roughly the same size (remember to cut the ends off). Do the same with the mushrooms.
  3. Put veggies into ziplock. Add the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and garlic to the bag. Close/secure bag and then shake or use your hands to make sure everything gets nicely mixed and coated. Place in fridge for about 30 minutes to marinade.
  4.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  5. Pour the mixture out onto a cookie sheet. Spread everything out to ensure it is in a single layer.
  6. Place in oven and roast for 20 minutes. Check veggies for doneness. Once to your liking, remove from oven.
  7. Grate or shred or roughly cut pieces/chunks of fresh parmesan onto the veggies, left melt.
  8. Grub and nom.  
I made these last night to go along with the leftover baked spaghetti and, well, tasty is an understatement. My dad's neighbor gave me a bag of his home grown green beans and I had some mushrooms that needed a purpose and I figured this was a good way to get those bad boys outta my fridge and into our bellies. 

The only thing I would change is that I would add a bit more garlic and probably pair this with something way less heavy. That being said, we both enjoyed this a great deal. The flavor was dead on, the green beans were crispy, the mushrooms weren't too soft or soggy, the balsamic paired very well with the parmesan (doesn't it always?)... this will be a reoccurring thing, for sure.


(Twice) Baked Spaghetti

(Twice) Baked Spaghetti
 Once Baked...
Twice Baked Spaghetti

My family refers to this recipe as "E's Specialty". This is a recipe that I've had for quite some time. It is just something that I saw and thought could be good for a variety of occasions, etc. Needless to say, I've now made this for housewarmings, birthdays, anniversaries, and for everything in between. Sometimes I just make it for family so they don't have to worry about dinner that week. Either way, everyone loves it and it seems as though, for some reason, it's my "thing". At first I followed the recipe to the very last syllable. After a couple of times I realized this was a recipe that was meant to be a very basic template. It was too ordinary.If I followed the recipe enough so that it would act as a guide and then just made it my own it could be truly great. So, that's what I did.

For the sake of this blog, I am going to include both the original recipe and then my modified awesomeness.

The Original Recipe:

What you'll need:
  • 1 (8oz) package of spaghetti
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1 cup grated parmesan cheese, divided
  • 1 (24oz) ricotta cheese
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 (25.75 oz) jar Prego Chunky Garden Combination Italian Sauce (use whatever sauce you want, y'all)
  • 1 (8oz) package shredded mozzarella cheese
What to do:
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a 13x9x2-inch baking pan with non-stick aluminum foil (non-stick side toward the food, duh).
  2. Cook spaghetti; brown ground beef.
  3.  Combine how cooked spaghetti with butter; stir until butter melts and coats spaghetti. Add 1/2 cup parmesan cheese; stir to coat. Arrange spaghetti in an even layer in foil lined pan. Spread ricotta cheese over spaghetti. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup parmesan cheese.
  4. After browning ground beef, drain. Put back in pan and add pasta sauce and heat until bubbly. Spoon over cheeses. Top with mozzarella cheese and remaining parmesan cheese.
  5. Cover with non-stick foil. Bake 30 minutes. Remove foil cover and continue baking 15 minutes or until cheese is lightly browned. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. (If you refer to the pictures at the beginning of the post you will notice that the first picture is what your baked spaghetti will look like here)
This is a good recipe. But, as I said before, it is a bit basic and tedious, I think. My recipe still is a little time consuming, but I take shortcuts and make variations that will certainly help the time move more quickly and will make your life a bit simpler.

My Version:

What you'll need:
  • Essentially you will need all of the same ingredients, with these variations:
    • no butter/margarine
    • a small container of low fat ricotta
    • minced garlic or garlic powder
    • pepper
    • Italian seasonings
    • more cheese, baby
  • Please note that when I make this recipe I typically make a double batch, but I eyeball the amount of each ingredient. Sometimes I end up wiht extra ingredients and simply find another way to use them and sometimes I come up short. Either way, I make do. That being said, you can modify the quantity and make as big or as little a batch as possible.
  •  I bake this in one of the one time use aluminum pans you can buy in the baking section. 
What to do:
  1. Cook spaghetti and brown ground beef simultaneously. Drain spaghetti, put back in pot. Drain beef well, put in bowl.
  2. Preheat over to 400 degrees F.
  3. Get your pan and smear (I love that word, haha) a few spoonfuls of pasta sauce on the bottom of the pan. this will help keep the pasta from sticking to the bottom. Smear some on the sides if it will make you feel better... I don't :)
  4. Layer in the following way:
    1. Spaghetti (enough so that you don't really see the sauce underneath, but stay mindful.. you don't want to run out before you're done layering)
    2. Grated parmesan cheese to coat (I just do it straight out of the container and I don't measure it. shake the cheese out until the whole layer has cheese on it)
    3. Ground beef (eye ball it. Again, you want enough for each layer you intend on doing)
    4. With a teaspoon, scoop out some ricotta cheese and, with your finger, push the scoop onto the ground beef. Don't spread the dollops out yet. Do at least 4 dollops.
    5. Pasta sauce (again, eye ball it. use as much or as little as you want, but remember you need enough for the whole batch). Now, take a spoon and spread the pasta sauce around. This will also spread the ricotta out and mix them up a bit into a delicious, cheesy, saucy combination of goodness.
    6. Sprinkle Italian seasoning, pepper, and powdered garlic (as much or as little as you'd like). If you are going to do minced garlic, just stay mindful not to overkill.
    7. Cover with shredded mozzarella. (I always add a little extra shredded cheese on the top)
    8. Repeat!
  5. Once your done layering, loosely cover with foil.
  6. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 minutes covered. Remove foil, bake for an additional 15 minutes or until the cheese is golden.
**This is where you can stop, if you want. The dish will be totally tasty at this point. I, however, typically make and bake this once the day before I know it will be served. I do this for time efficiency more than anything. On the day it is to be served I pop it back in the oven at 425 degrees F until heated through. This depends on the oven. At my house it takes roughly 45 minutes. At my folks' house, it would take an hour. After this is completed you will have something similar to the second picture. My family digs it a little crispy, hence why I let it get just barely dark on the top. Please also note that when I bake it the second time I put foil on the top until 10 minutes before I remove it from the oven. **

And that's that. Serve with salad and garlic bread or whatever suits your fancy. My family is insane over this baked spaghetti. Be prepared for leftovers, though!

My family was in town from MA for the last week and I made this the night we had our family dinner. I was hosting 10 people and I literally made a baked spaghetti that was roughly 15 pounds (this is the one pictured at the beginning of the blog). The whole of us only ate roughly half the pan. However, I made such a massive batch because I knew the next day was a low key day and no one would want to cook, so it was lunch for the following day. There was just enough left for the boy to have last night for dinner, so it worked out really well. This is something that can be made in advance,  leftovers can be frozen, etc, etc, etc.

Modify in any and every way you can imagine. Add veggies, use ground turkey or chicken (I've used turkey before and liked it very much), get creative with seasoning, herbs, spices, etc.

Have fun and, more importantly...
